
exception ssh.exceptions.AdministrativelyProhibited

Raised on administratively prohibited errors

exception ssh.exceptions.AuthenticationDenied

Raised on authentication denied errors

exception ssh.exceptions.AuthenticationError

Raised on fatal errors authenticating

exception ssh.exceptions.AuthenticationPartial

Raised on partial authentication

exception ssh.exceptions.BaseSSHError

Base class for all errors produced by libssh

exception ssh.exceptions.ChannelClosed

Raised on operations on closed channels

exception ssh.exceptions.ChannelOpenFailure

Raised on SSH channel open failures

exception ssh.exceptions.CompressionError

Raised on compression errors

exception ssh.exceptions.ConnectFailed

Raised on connect failure

exception ssh.exceptions.ConnectionLost

Raised on connection lost

exception ssh.exceptions.Disconnected

Raised on disconnection errors

exception ssh.exceptions.EOF

Raised on EOF from remote channel

exception ssh.exceptions.GSSAPIError

Raised on GSS API errors

exception ssh.exceptions.GSSAPIErrorTok

Raised on GSS API token errors

exception ssh.exceptions.HostAuthenticationFailed

Raised on host authentication failures

exception ssh.exceptions.HostKeyNotVerifiable

Raised on host key not verifiable errors

exception ssh.exceptions.HostNotAllowedToConnect

Raised on host not allowed to connect errors

exception ssh.exceptions.InvalidAPIUse

Raised on invalid uses of the API

exception ssh.exceptions.KeyExchangeFailed

Raised on key exchange failures

exception ssh.exceptions.KeyExportError

Raised on errors exporting key

exception ssh.exceptions.KeyGenerationError

Raised on errors generating key

exception ssh.exceptions.KeyImportError

Raised on errors importing key

exception ssh.exceptions.MACError

Raised on MAC errors

exception ssh.exceptions.OptionError

Raised on errors getting/setting options

exception ssh.exceptions.OtherError

Raised on other non-specific fatal errors

exception ssh.exceptions.ProtocolError

Raised on protocol errors

exception ssh.exceptions.ProtocolVersionNotSupport

Raised on protocol version not supported

exception ssh.exceptions.RequestFailure

Raised on SSH request failures

exception ssh.exceptions.ResourceShortage

Raised on resource shortage errors

exception ssh.exceptions.SFTPError

Raised on SFTP errors

exception ssh.exceptions.SFTPHandleError

Raised on SFTP handle errors

exception ssh.exceptions.SSHError

Raised on errors returned by libssh.

This is the general error libssh returns when any error occurs, whether that be server error or API error.

Some functions like authentication have more specific error codes.

exception ssh.exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable

Raised on service not available errors

exception ssh.exceptions.TooManyConnections

Raised on too many connection errors

exception ssh.exceptions.UnImplemented

Raised on unimplemented errors

exception ssh.exceptions.UnknownChannelType

Raised on unknown channel type